The word Healing creates a feeling of mystery and illusion. A concept bigger than our minds are truly able to grasp. The true answers to its elusiveness lie solely in the Divinity of our Creator. Restoration of the balance between Mind Body and Spirt as well as balance with the world around us is the source of healing. To Cleanse and Purify the Body. To Guard and Mend and the Mind. To set Free the Soul from the constraints of this world and connect on a higher spiritual level and to do all of that while staying in tune and in sync with the world around us. HEAL
Ayurveda an individualized system of medicine over 5000 years old. Ayurveda literally means Knowledge of Life. Knowledge of ones self and how we individually fit into the universe. No two individuals are the same and they should not be treated as such. The journey to your Optimal Health and Wellness, Mind Body and Spirit requires, Balance in the Mind, Body, Spirit. Ayurvedic medicine utilizes Lifestyle modification, Diet, Detoxification, Purification techniques, Medicinal Herbs/ Mineral, Yoga, Pranayama, Mediation, Ayurvedic Massage, and various other Medicinal Oil therapies as well as subtle therapies like Gemstone therapy, Aroma therapy, Color therapy and Vedic Astrology. All these tools used toward establishing a individualized Regimen for You in order to achieve YOUR optimal health Mind Body and Spirit.
The use of Gods Medicine. Trees, Plants and Flowers to naturally and gently heal our bodies. Founded on the concept that Whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The use of Plants and Plant based substance to enhance heal and body function and to treat illness. The benefits of Herbs in their whole state is that they are perfectly balanced, which allows them to work gently when necessary to support our healing. Herbs Are our allies they have been used throughout history in ancient times to stimulate the immune system and regulate the lymphatic system as a way to purify, cleanse, maintain and healing the body.
The concept of Holism understands that Optimal healing is more than simply being free of disease. Optimal health requires healing the Whole person Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and Physically. Finding its origins in South Africa in the 20's Holistic Health focuses on Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit all of which are dictated by emotions feelings and thoughts. Understanding that with out acknowledgment and respect of each of these aspects, recovering from illness or even maintaining health is not truly attainable.
RAW REGIMEN the restoration of Health and Balance in the body through the use of Herbal medicine, Ayurveda, Nutrition, Homeopathy and Massage.
Yes, herbs, flowers, bark, roots, stems, leaves and rhizomes are natural the come from the earth, but natural DOES mean Safe. Herbs are medicines powerful allies in our journey to heal or bodies but, they should be respected for their ability to heal as well as their potential to harm. Herbs are still foreign substances to our bodies and misuse can make them potentially toxic. "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison: the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison." ~Paracelsus. Seek the guidance of a trained herbalist, and always discuss any new regimens with your doctor.
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